Why should you prefer acrylic than oil for your painting?

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Whether you are an art student or a beginner or professional, the basic question of either acrylic or oil always a confusion. Your guides and professors may have been instructing you of various aspects of dos and don’ts of painting. Sometimes this may include restrictions of acrylic painting and preference to other paintings including oil paintings saying “established artists use oil and not acrylic! Eventually, this instruction perhaps passed on to next generations and it goes on and on, irrespective of its practicalities and consequences in the contemporary changing! In fact, if you go on restricting yourself based on the traditional instructions without applying your independent perception and creativity on the contemporary relevant development of acrylic paints, it is a big misfortune for you. Get associated with Big acrylic wall art to know more about the various development of acrylic paints and its relevance in the contemporary arts in comparison to other paints.

In this article, we do not intend to seek the negative aspects of any other paints, rather genuinely and sincerely try to analyse the best and appropriate paint that is professionally useful and gives you the intended outcome of your efforts. Through a historical perspective, since the inception in 1942, the acrylic paint has been rendering the artists with an alternative to slow drying, toxic and comparatively costly oil paints. Initially, when the acrylic was introduced in the market, there were quite a lot of drawbacks like, they were really matte, ware chalky, and did not have pigment. But, in course of time, acrylic went through a massive transformation like any other product in the market, and today, acrylic is one of the best, vibrant, exceptionally safe and most useful paint to work with.

Acrylic, in course of its transformation, have been associated and mixed with plastic resulting in developed acrylic plastic which is the most appropriate and useful material to paint in comparison to any other paints. Similarly, the acrylic medium gave acrylic paints a totally new dimension and it is now at the innovation of the artist to create the best out of the acrylic medium. There has been sufficient evidence of acrylic paints getting brilliant performance at the hands of eminent artists like David Hockney, Helen Frankenthaler, Mark Rothko etc. Even today, famous artists like Katherine Bernhardt and Lubaina Himid have been relying on acrylic medium in the contemporary competitive world of arts and paint.