Looking for a heartwarming story? “Star Pianist ~ Fairy Tale” is the answer.

Japanese author and musician, Akihiro Nakasute, created a beautiful fairy tale in his book, “Star Pianist ~ Fairy Tale”. 

Akihiro is from Hokkaido, which is a very cold prefecture in Japan, especially during the winter, yet this story will warm your heart deeply. 

If you are interested in the world of “Star Pianist ~ Fairy Tale”, please check out this YouTube video.

Aine deeply felt the importance of food and health, 

a peaceful world without war, 

a world without discrimination, 

and the importance of love and peace

where everyone can live in harmony.

When the pianist from the land of the stars waved her silver baton,

this time in the forest.

By reading this excerpt, you can undoubtedly see how beautiful this book is. 

The main character’s name is Aine.

“Ai” means “love” in Japanese, while “ne” means “sound”. Isn’t it beautiful? 

It’s already a big hit in Japan and we recently received the amazing news that an English version is also available!

Book Description

Don’t forget, love, peace, and the importance of life.

A tender, warm, and heart-warming story about a pianist from the land of the stars and a little girl.

One summer day, a girl goes to a local sports day and explores an abandoned school.

Then she finds an old upright piano in the music room, where she meets a star pianist and takes a heart journey, a story of love.

By reading this book, he hopes readers will take a journey of the heart alongside the characters. He wishes that everyone, from young children to adults, would read his fairy tale and allow their hearts to ring out merrily.

You can read this beautiful story on Amazon Kindle. 

Thirsty for more details? Please click the link below.





Akihiro Nakasute  Star Pianist Poem and Music
